Volunteer Wellington Mahi Aroha Awards

Volunteer Wellington celebrates volunteers each year at the Mahi Aroha Awards during National Volunteer Week Te Wiki Tüao ã-Motu in June.

Your dedication to your communities is inspiring, and your efforts do not go unnoticed. Whether it's organising events, implementing projects, or advocating for change, your tireless contributions make a real difference in the lives of those around you."

The Hon Louise Upston Minister for the Community and Voluntary Sector. June 2024

Each year the community is invited to nominate volunteers in several categories. An independent panel of judges from the community, business and funding sectors gather to assess the nominations and decide on the award winners.

The Mahi Aroha Awards evening is a highlight of our year when volunteers and community organisations come together to celebrate the mahi of volunteers.

Mahi Aroha Awards 2024

Mahi Aroha Awards 2023

Mahi Aroha Awards 2022

Mahi Aroha Awards 2021