Our work is vital to ensuring volunteer-involving organisations can engage, manage and retain the strong, effective volunteer workforce necessary to advance their mission and cause. We support volunteer participation that is inclusive, transformative, flexible and meaningful. We inform policy, good practice, research and development, regulation and decision-making that supports the sustainability and advancement of volunteering.
We actively campaign that investing in volunteering is fundamental to the continued prosperity of Wellington. The volunteering sector is a vital force that fuels the economy, connects and enriches the lives of those in the Wellington region, builds social and cultural value, and protects the environment.
Volunteer Wellington is the ‘vital link’ within the community infrastructure of greater Wellington. Volunteer Wellington connects people and communities, provides professional development, consultancy and support services. Volunteer Wellington is continually building the capacity and capability of the Wellington community and voluntary sector.
We appreciate the volunteers, funders, individuals and organisations that support our work and make Volunteer Wellington such a strong organisation. They are all vitally important; they are all part of our present and future work.
We are extremely grateful for our funders' support. They help us to cover the costs to run Volunteer Wellington and add capability and resilience to our services.
In the 2022 / 2023 financial year, we’ve been generously funded by the following grant making organisations.
If you wish to donate click here
If you would like to become a funder or a friend please contact the Volunteer Wellington Office
We thank the following businesses for their generous regular gifting which supports our work to strengthen their local communities
These businesses and individuals generously provide their services to Volunteer Wellington at no cost – we highly recommend them.
We thank our individual friends for their ongoing support and belief in the work we do.
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